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addition to miniatures, what other fun
products are there for space combat
There are dice
(you probably have enough of those), but
is there anything else that makes
simulating space battles more fun?
As an
alternative to the bare table or the
folded paper hex maps, a space gamer has
a few options. Pick up some black
fabric at a local fabric store or they
might even have some spacey looking
fabric too. As
a more durable option, a couple
companies make some mats to play
makes Black Vinyl Megamats™ with Hexes
printed on them and you can even write
on them with water soluble markers
Knight Productions makes Space
Mats (formerly available from GeoHex).
They are 4 foot x 6 foot of black felt
which is air brushed with nebular dust
clouds and sprinkled with stars in
vibrant fluorescent colors. The
mats are available with just the nebular
background or with the background and
1.5 inch hexes printed on the mat.
In the past GeoHex
made a cloth mats licensed for Silent
Death and felt mats for Star
Blazers Fleet Battle System.
- Monday Knight is now selling
mats with a 2 inch square grid in 3
sizes, 4'x6', 3'x3' and a table top
sized 22"x34".
- The hexed version of the Space Mat is
now available with 2 inch hexes in
addition to the 1.5 in hex
versions. Also for those of you
with smaller tables, 3 foot x 3 foot
felt mats are also available with or
without hexes. Also there are
plans make mats with a 1 inch grid
available later in 2004
Space Tiles
Publishing Group has released Paper
Tiles: Space, a downloadable pdf
file you can purchase from RPGnow.com.
a battle map for your d20 system
futuristic spaceships to battle upon or
glide through the universe? Or for your
strategic space combat miniatures game?
Well, APG Paper Tiles: Space
gives you an inexpensive, gridded map
with numerous layout possibilities
including, planets, asteroid fields,
nebulas, and more!
Each of the map tiles are realistic, 300
.dpi, 5 in. x 8 in. skirmish size tiles
with 1 inch grids ready to
is available so you can see what these
tiles look like.

Deep Space Felt Game
from Hotz
5/1/2008 - The
latest update from Hotz:
Just a short note that
we now offer our game mats with 1, 1.5, 2,
3, 4 and 5 inch hexes, and also 1, 2 and 4
inch squares. All of these are available
with the Deep Space game mat (actually,
any game mat we produce up to 6 x 4-ft).
12/19/2006 - Hotz
ArtWorks has released mats with 2 inch
and 4 inch hexes so their selection of
hexes now come in 2, 3, 4 or 5 inch
Plus they have released
mats with a 2 inch square grid, perfect
for the new Star
Wars Miniatures Starship Combat
mats are now available in a half mat size
of 45 x 34 inches (114 x 86 cm) quarter mat
size of 22 x 34 inches (56 x 86 cm).
9/6/2006 - The Deep
Space Felt Game Mats are now available
from Hotz ArtWorks. They are
available in both with either 3 inch or 5
inch hexes in a 6x4-ft mat or without
hexes in 6x4-ft and 6x8-ft sizes.
star cluster artwork is silk screened,
while cosmic dust/clouds and solar flares
have been airbrushed onto the mat's
surface. The mats have been treated with a
protective fabric binder that helps to
prevent pilling and other forms of wear
normally associated with felt.
3/25/2006 - Hotz
ArtWorks will soon release game
mats with a few different backgrounds
including Deep Space. The mats
are roughly 6-ft x 4-ft (72 x 45 inches)
and made of an acrylic felt fabric treated
with a fabric binder to strengthen the
fabric. They have a 5 inch hex
grid silk screened on them but are also available
without the hex pattern. Other size
hexes may also become available.
Star Mats
from Star
Mats Plus
12/19/2006 - Carl
Scheu is making custom air brushed star
mats on black felt in 4'x6' and 8'x6'
sizes with larger sizes possible as custom
orders. Contact Carl at thrud62@yahoo.com
for more information. |
from WorldWorks
Games 7/30/2007
- WorldWorks Games has released Uncharted
Space: Sathrican Homeworld, a premium
PDF gaming mat (with props), their first
product targeted at tabletop,
stellar-combat wargamers. This cost
effective gaming mat allows users to
create their very own 60” X 40” star
mat and asteroid fields using a number of
custom created graphic templates. By
utilizing a home printer and a few basic
materials, frugal gamers can build a game
mat for their next engagement, in stages,
as time and money allow. A
pre-printed version on vinyl is in the
works for release in later 2007.
Every visual element
contained within Uncharted Space is
100% original and has been handcrafted
using WorldWorks Games renowned
high quality texturing standards. At the
base of the mat is the upper atmosphere of
the giant Sathrican homeworld. Uncharted
Space includes 3-D asteroid clusters
to fill the voids and add depth to your
Space: Sathrican Homeworld Includes
all of the following:
Fully illustrated instructions for
creating your very own game mat
* 32 Zero grid space tiles covering a vast
region of space
* 32 1-inch Hex space tiles covering a
vast region of space
* Fully illustrated instructions for
creating 3-D asteroid clusters
* 2 pages of varied asteroid cluster
* Asteroid cluster stands
* Asteroid cluster basing in 1-inch Hex
* Asteroid cluster basing in Zero Grid
* Asteroid debris field tile
* Interactive User Interface (PC users
Hex Maps
from EN
6/11/2009 - EN
Publishing has made available Starscape
Hex Maps, a pdf file consisting of
six basic starscape hex maps for use in
space tactical boardgames. Each is
one page of A4/Letter, allowing you to
print out different combinations and join
them together. The base set contains
the following maps: Blank (black) without
stars, Clear with background stars only,
Lens flare, Distant star, Bright sun, and
Bright coloured light. Additional
pdf map sets are also available: *Starscape
Hex Maps 2: Natural Phenomenon
*Starscape Hex Maps 3: Planets &
*Starscape Hex Maps 4: Nebulae
*Starscape Hex Maps 5: Galaxies The
Starscape Hex Maps pdf files
can be purchased from EN
Publishing or through RPGnow.
Galactic Mats
from Terrain
7/12/2009 - Terrain
Mat is a UK company that makes
space mats based on images from the
Hubble Space Telescope showing
swirling gas clouds with near and
far star clusters. Mats are
available in many sizes ranging from
3'x5' to 6'x12' plus they also do
custom sizes. Grids are
available on the mats, both square
and hex in several sizes. One
interesting thing about these grids
compared to other mats, instead of
painting the grids on the mat, Terrain
Mat does it so they mat is
mostly painted but the grids are
unpainted. |

4'x4' Galactic
Mat |

Galactic Mat with
hex grid |
Scenes of Space Hex
Battle Maps
from Jon
Brazer Enterprises
4/25/2010 - "Fight
your battles on scenes of space. Fourteen
pages comprising various scenes for your
sci-fi space battles to take place in.
Escape an exploding planet, dodge ice
asteroids, navigate a nebula, or traverse
the stars with a distant galaxy in the
background. Two scenes laid out for large
printers. Twelve pages laid out for
letter/A4 paper. All images have a 1"
hex grid. Play your sci-fi games with
dramatic backgrounds."
This product is available
from Wargame
CorSec Printed Fabric
From CorSec
2/25/2012 - CorSec
mats are now available in a new 72"
by 58" size that should work to cover
a 6' by 4' table. They have added 3
new space backgrounds, Blue Stars, Pillars
and Jets, and Spitzer and Hubble. If
you like their designs but want to make
your own, they now sell Printable
Starfields through Wargames
4/16/2011 - CorSec
is now offering the mats in a larger
56" by 106" size and has added
some new backgrounds to choose from.
11/7/2010 - CorSec
Engineering is now offering printed
fabric maps and has made several patterns
available for ordering. Each map is
42" by 72" and can be ordered
with square or hex overlays. Custom
overlays available upon request. Each map
costs $36.
Patterns available:
Aerial Farmland
Red Nebula
More patterns will be available soon and
larger maps are in the works. CorSec
also produces a universal magnetic
mounting system using a ball magnet to
allow the mini to be oriented in an
unlimited number of ways.
Board: Space Sector & Star System
from PWORK
Paper Wargame 2/25/2012 -
Available from RPGNow: "The
PDF provides all the parts necessary to
build a paper battle mat! Stop playing you
favorite wargame on the floor or on a
tablecloth: now in a couple of hours, a
printer, some cardboard, glue and a cutter
you can make a beautiful table! The
setting of the battle board is compatible
with all major wargames and sci-fi
boardgame. The board's size is 120x180cm.
Full color."
site is possible to buy the same
battle board in a whole piece, ideal for a
"plottage" or a pvc print."
Space Combat Battlemap: Tarantula Nebula from
8/12/2012 -
Available from Wargame
Vault: "This
PDF presents a printable map, with a
background generated from satellite
imagery. Printing and assembling all 42
pages creates a contiguous map large
enough to cover a table of up to 72"
x 48". If your play space is a little
bit smaller, it's easy to just print and
assemble a smaller version.
The file also uses Adobe
Acrobat layers so that it may be printed
with 1" hexes, 1.5" hexes, or
2" squares, making it useful for a
variety of scales and rule systems. (Just
make sure to turn off the layers you don't
want.) Hex dimensions are measured
flat-side to flat side. Alternatively, it
may be printed without any grid overlay
for a huge poster map."
Map from
8/25/2012 -
Available from Wargame
Vault and other related PDF
download sites. "This
product includes three 48 x 30 inch starmaps
with a hex overlay, each hex is approx
1,2inches in size. The first starmap has
been left blank of foreground objects. The
brilliant background
includes multiple stars and colorful
nebulas. The second starmap includes a
massive planet on the right side of the
map. A huge continent can be seen on the
light side of the planet with a land
corridor leading away towards the dark
side of the planet. The third starmap has
a large space station on the left side of
the map."
With miniatures
available from some of our favorite TV
shows, a couple places have created some
custom decal sheets to help make the
finished miniatures as accurate as
Starship ID Codes
Zero Games
gamers try to add some designation to
the base of their minis to identify
the ship type (destroyer, escort
cruiser, dreadnought, etc.) along with
a number to differentiate multiple
ships of the same type. It was
hard to find lettering of the right
type and size and writing the info on
the base by hand with a white paint
pen never looked clean enough with my
handwriting. So along comes
Decals Express with their Starship ID
Codes decal sheet, with enough ID's
for a couple fleets at least using the
common 2 and 3 letter abbreviations for
ship types along with an identifying
number. I got a pre-production
sample and they are durable, easy to
use and look fantastic.
- The old website is no longer there
but these items are still listed under
the GZG
online store.
- Updated the website URL to http://wargames.rpgshelf.net/
per email from Tom Pope:
We had problems
with our old provider and the domain
is now locked, even though some people
can still see the old site.
While we sort out the details, we also
have a temporary contact address of: beseny@aol.com.
3/6/2005 - A
new email address is wge@speakeasy.net

Starline 2400 Decals
From Starfighter
10/6/2008 -
Mark Tutton of Starfire Decals
made the following announcement on the
Star Fleet Universe Message Board:
Starfighter Decals web store is
approaching its first year
anniversary. After looking at the
sales figures, it is with a heavy
heart I am going to discontinue most
of the Star Fleet Battles decal sets.
Most of the line experienced little or
no sales in the past 50 weeks. Only
the Federation ships, Federation
Commander Squadron, and Fleet Boxes
have enjoyed anything close to steady
sales. I am also going to discontinue
customizing the Federation ship names.
Starfighter Decals line of 1/144,
1/72, and US Navy Air wing decals and
resin parts have experienced
phenomenal growth during the same
period. So this is where my energy is
going to be concentrated. This means
something has to give, and the slow
sales items have to go. This means the
Star Fleet Universe Decals.
two weeks I will be discontinuing to
following decal sets: All Klingon,
Romulan, Kzinti, Gorn, Hydran, Lyran,
Tholian, WYN, Juggernaught, and Orion
sets. The following Federation sets
will be discontinued: POL, BATS, CVN
Carrier Group, BB, DNL/DNH, DN Combat
Circle Option, DNG, SCS/CVA, CV(O), CX,
and “Old” FF markings. Also being
removed form the list are the 2
Cruiser box sets.
am going to continue supporting the
Federation Commander line as long as
sales justify it. With FC:Distant
Kingdoms on the horizon, almost all of
the races in the SFU will be
represented and I will consider making
the decal sets to match if demand
warrants it.
will no longer accept any custom decal
orders for SFU ships unless you want
to pay the $50 per hour charge my
other customers pay along with the 4
to 6 month wait that goes along with
was a lot of fun developing this line
of decals for my fellow SFB fans, but
economic realities, my business, and
most important of all, my family comes
first. To keep the bills paid and have
time for my family, SFU decals becomes
the odd man out.
you again to all who supported my
2/6/2008 - Now
online, Starfighter Decals sells
decals for the Starline 2400
line of miniatures for Star
Fleet Battles and Federation
Commander with the
approval of Amarillo Design Bureau.
Decal sheets are available for
specific ships or sheets for the
miniatures in one of the boxes of
multiple minis. Sheets can be
customized with names and hull numbers
from the List of Names published by
ADB for an additional fee.
SFB Decals
From Pomroy
2/25/2012 - Pomroy
Productions has closed up and
their decals are no longer avaiable.
2/26/2011 - Pomroy
Productions now has decals for Babylon
5 (larger scale) and Battlestar
Galactica miniatures. Of
note is the Narn dazzle pattern sheet
which is a full sheet of the red/black
pattern for Narn ships that you can
cut out to fit your miniature.
10/1/2009 - Now
Productions decals are designed to
be used with the Star Fleet
Battles, FASA Star Trek
miniatures, or any other miniature
lines in which the ships are 1 to 3˝
inches long. They can be used to aid
game players in identifying their
ships, or just to make well-sculpted
miniatures look even better.
Decals are sold in
sheets, half-sheets, or strips; decal
strips are approximately 2.5 inches by
8 inches, and contain the basic
markings for several ships (for
example, Federation frigates or
Klingon capitol ships). Sheets are 8.5
x 11 inches, and of course contain
more decals. Customized decals are
also available.
Currently, we offer
markings for Federation,
"Mirror" Federation,
Klingon, Romulan, Gorn, Kzinti, Lyran,
and WYN ships. Federation ships are
offered in the "block"
lettering used in the original series,
or in the "rounded"
lettering shown in the Star Fleet
Technical Manual. When ordering
Federation decals, specify the
specific product number to insure
you'll receive the correct lettering.
Under development are
markings for the ISC, Hydrans, and
Seltorians. Also under development is
a sheet of battle damage decals."
Tenneshington Decals
From Tenneshington
2/25/2012 - Here
is where you can get custom ship names
and numbers for Federation ships in
the Starline 2500 line of miniatures. "Tenneshingtong
Decals are accepting orders for
custom decal sheets designed to work
with the Starline 2500 Miniatures
Federation Squadron Box, produced by
the joint-venture between Mongoose
Publishing and Amarillo Design
We are also offering
sheets made to work with the
individual blister-packed miniatures
for the ships currently available: the
DN/DNG dreadnought, BC(H)
battlecruiser, CA heavy cruiser, oCL
old light cruiser, and FF/FFG frigate
(decals for two ships on the frigate
We are unable to sell
decals for the Fleet Box product by Mongoose
and ADB, until such time as
sales of those boxes commence. We are
ready to do so when the time
Space is
full of stuff and if you don't want to
make your own planets and asteroids
from scratch, there is some help out
Planet Kits
From CorSec
- These high quality Acrylic Planet Kits
provide a long lasting and durable
addition to your space games. You can
take your time painting them and not
have to worry about dents or chips that
you would see from Styrofoam.
The Kit Contains: 1 x
Acrylic Sphere; 1 x Acrylic Rod; 1 x
Acrylic Circular Base. Planet
sizes available are 4", 3",
and 1.5" (coming soon).
From Xmarx.com
- Xmarx.com produces three resin
items for sale in their Intersellar Set,
available together or
individually. They have a Class M
Planet, an Asteroid, and a Star.
They do their sales through and eBay
store so not all items may be available
at one time.
Custom Painted
"The custom
painted planets we offer, are made of
acrylic plastic globes, not styrofoam!
Each globe is glued together and
primed then painted by our in-house
artist. A stand and base is included
with all planets. (Please note, all
planets are subject to artist
- DLD has been 'off the grid'
for a few years but the website is
still up so these are probably no
longer available.
6/25/2003 - 4 sizes are
available, 100mm, 80mm, 60mm, and
40mm. There are also several
basic 'Types' of planets to choose
from (Temparate, Ice, Gas,
Desert). Each starts with a base
color plus 2 colors standard but
additional colors can be added in
increase the detail (and the
price). View DLD's Custom
Painted Plants page for full
details and pricing along with lots of
from Space
Junk was created as the space
combat twin of Fight's
On!. Our goal is
to provide quality products to enhance
space and science fiction miniature
gaming to take the pre-game hassle and
preparation out of the way so as to
allow gamers like ourselves to just
play and enjoy the hobby."
- Space Junk is open and the
first 3 products are:
Asteroids (5 with bases),
Space Missiles (Twelve painted 3"
Space Missiles with (3) clear
1.5" hex bases, (3) 1.5"
rods and (3) bar magnets)
Space Torpedoes (Four painted 6"
Space Torpedoes with (4) clear
1.5" hex bases, (4) 1.5"
plastic rods and (4) 3/16"
magnets). The
also mention on TMP that "Several
new products are in the works
including a sculpted resin moon

Asteriods |

Missiles (left) and Space
Torpedo (above) |
need some way of getting their
miniatures from here to there
Ship Tray
in Comfort
is the first product I have seen specifically
for the transportation and storage of
space ship miniatures. This foam
is 350mm x 270mm and has 32 circular
cut outs for the base stand of the
second tray for larger bases and
miniatures has been released and will
hold 18 ship miniatures.
- One item to note, I got a report
from Roger that the common hex based
stands don't quite fit into the holes
cut into the foam on these
products. He had to do some modification
to make the slightly larger hex bases
fit into the round holes.
Laser Cut Arc Tools
From Silver
Compass Designs
- Now available are unique
laser-cut tools are used for
determining the facings and
firing arcs of miniatures in
various Space Ship miniature
games that use flying stands.
The tool is
laser-engraved on one side, for
use in multiple tabletop
miniature games. You have a
choice of Arc Tools engraved
with four 90° arcs, or with six
60° arcs. All tools have an
additional marking for exact
forward facing. This 1.8"
(48mm)-wide arc tool is made
from 3.5mm (1/8")
laser-engraved and laser-cut
tempered hardboard. The tool has
a slot to slide right over the
posts of your flight stands, for
perfect placement. No more
hovering over your models to
figure out arcs. |
Basing miniatures can
be done using stands you create
yourself using washers and nails or
you can use pre-made flight stands
from one of many sources. Most
starship miniatures include stands
plus they usually sell stands in
bulk. A few sources for stands
of a unique type or in bulk are EM-4,
Knight Productions, Ground
Zero Games, Litko
Aerosystems, and Games
From CorSec
2/25/2012 - The
Omni-Stand system is a collapsible and
interchangeable flight stand system.
Each component is designed to work
together. The basic stand consists of
a mount, a peg, and a base. Add-ons
can increase the functionality of your
flight stand. Telescoping rods are
also available.
The pegs are
universal. They either side can screw
into the mount or the base. A common
use for this is to embed a mount into
a resin base. Two bases can also be
attached together to provide a
platform to indicate a miniature is
jumping or momentarily flying.
Bases are available in
hexes from 1.5" to 5", 40mm
or 60mm squares, 30mm or 60mm round,
and 60mm by 100mm ovals. Posts
are available in lengths from 1"
to 3". A telescoping rod is
also available. In
addition to the basic mounting peg
which goes into the miniature, small
pegs are available. Magnetic
add-ons are also sold for an
alternative to mounting in both flat
and spherical versions. Dice
docks can also be added if you want to
use d6's on the base to count fighters
or other things.
Magic Magnetic Adapters
From Ninja
magnetic adapter system allows ship
miniatures to be removed from the base
for storage and travel plus you only
need to have as many bases as you need
since you can get additional adapters
for the ships. The teeth on the
adapter keeps the miniature from
spinning and magnets are strong enough
to hold the minis secure even when
upside down. They are available
to purchase through Rattlehead
Games. They work with
any style flight stand you may have.
In addition to the
basic adapter, they offer angle
adapters so the ship can have nearly
any facing you would like. Angle
adapters are available in 30, 45, 60,
90 and 180 degree versions.
Litko Space Tokens
From Litko
- In addition to all of their
other flight stands, Litko has
released in Jim's Lab Large
Asteroid Flight Stands which are
designed with an arrow shaped base to
easily know which direction the
asteroids are moving. The larger base
is perfect for use with Lava Rock, and
available from most outdoors and
hardware retailers. The flight stands
are compatible with all of their peg
accessories such as the numbered dials
and dice trays for even more detailed
tracking of the asteroid movements.
5/1/2008 - Litko
has added a bunch of flight stand
add-ons and accessories to Jim's
Product Lab that would be quite
useful for starship
miniatures. These new bits
include numbered dials, dice trays,
elevation markers, peg pointers, plus
vee formation and hex shaped peg
toppers (perfect for mounting a
formation of small fighter minis).

Flight Stand,
Deluxe Elevation marker |

Flight Stand
Dice Tray for 12mm dice |

1-10 numbered
Dial and Pointer, Flight Stand
accessory |

Flight Stand
Peg Pointers |

30mm Vee
Formation, Peg Topper |

20mm Hex, Peg
Topper |
2/6/2008 - Litko
has taken some of the products from
trial release and moved them into full
production under their space
gaming section. Tokens
available are Space Mines, Space
Shields, Space Missiles, Space Drones,
Space Asteroids, Space Torpedoes, and
Blast Area Effect.
The trial release
tokens not picked up for full
production can still be ordered on a
custom basis.
11/3/2007 - Litko
has released on a trial bases a whole
bunch or tokens and stands for use by
the space gamer under their "Jim's
Product Lab". They
are only available for a limited time
and after that, only the best sellers
will stay on as a regular
product. All of the other items
would still be available as a custom
item with a small additional
fee. Litko offers many laser cut
and etched products for gaming use
including build your own tokens within
certain parameters.
Items in this space
range include elevated fighter bases,
full stop tokens, full speed tokens,
hex scanner tokens (multiple colors),
alien skull tokens, tractor/energy
beam tokens, jammed scanner tokens,
energy tokens, blast tokens,
transparent gray base flight stands,
evasive action tokens, repair tokens,
space torpedo tokens (multiple
colors), space asteroid tokens, alien
target reticules, damage tokens,
double hex flight stands, sensor
scanner tokens (multiple colors),
space drone tokens (multiple colors),
space missile tokens (multiple
colors), space mine tokens (multiple
colors), and space shield tokens
(multiple colors).

Litko Fighter
Base 1" hex base |

Tractor/Energy Beam tokens
(clear) |

Litko Blast
tokens (fluorescent amber) |

Litko Space
Torpedo tokens (fluorescent
blue) |

Litko Space
Drones tokens (transparent
yellow) |

Litko Space
Missile tokens (fluorescent
green) |

Litko Space
Mines tokens (clear) |

Litko Sensor
Scanners tokens (transparent
gray) |

Litko Double
Hex bases (transparent gray
base) |
