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Links to Star-Ranger's Content
To make it easier to find the content that I continue to update, here are direct links on how to get there:

Full Thrust Fleet Resource
A clearing house of designs and SSDs for new Full Thrust miniatures from Ground Zero Games and other lines of starship miniatures.

Sci-Fi Crossover: Ships of the Universes
Stats and SSDs from popular TV and movies for use with Full Thrust rules from the Sci-Fi Crossover games I ran at GenCon - updated and expanding.  Includes Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5 and more in the works.

Status of SCN

1/11/2014 - It has been over a year since I did any real updates to the pages of Starship Combat News so you might be wondering what is up.  I started SCN back in 1999 on an only Homestead shared website and it grew from there as this small niche within a niche of interests found a place to put all of the news and links about spaceship games.

While I am still interested in this topic, I have other interests too and I started spending more time with those and SCN updates began to slip, to the point that in December of 2012 I made the last updates to SCN and have not since.  After 13 years or so I was burned out.

So what does the future hold?  Sometimes I thing I might want to buckle down and spend a week's worth of free time researching and updating everything I can but I haven't yet.  I thing a format chance of the whole site from static pages to a WordPress based article driven format could make it easier to keep everything updated - but I don't know WordPress well enough to do that.  So if anyone out there wants to help with that, let me know.

One thing that will stay is the SCN Forum.  You might not get news articles but people will post about new games, miniatures, rumors and much more.  It might not be organized like it is here but you can still get your news fix if you need it.

Thanks to all of you readers out there.  It was very cool for me to really learn what this internet thing could do by connecting to other people who liked this same niche of gaming.


Do these miniatures work with those?

3/27/2012 - I have often heard that question, does this line of ship miniatures work with this other line from another manufacturer?  To help out, I am compiling actual miniature sizes on a reference page so gamers can tell if miniatures are in scale with each other.  This Scale page will help you determine if your preferred fleets are Fleet scale or Squadron scale an then if this new cool line of minis will work with your other fleets.

I do have a few gaps though so if you have some fleets that currently don't have entries, then link over to the SCN discussion on the Scale page and add what you can.

Questions or comments, please drop me a note at

Get SCN shirts and more at

Current Headlines

December 9th

Star Clash card game now available from DriveThruRPG...

X-Wing expansion packs delayed until Feb 2013 and 'Death Star' surface gaming areas now available...

August 26th

Fighter-Tac, a fighter combat print on demand card is available...

BattleSpace, a print on demand card game is now available...

2 new minis for ACTA: Noble Armada releasing soon...

More images of masters of minis from Quantum Expanse...

Space combat versions of 5150 from 2 Hour Wargames in the works...

Star Map from DramaScape is now available for download...

August 22nd

Star Wars X-Wing miniatures game released with rules available for free online...

StarFire Command changes its name to Quantum Expanse...

Webgame Pax Stellarum is now available for download...

August 12th

Captain's Log #45 and updated Tournament Module T2012 are now available for the Star Fleet Battles universe...

Nova edition updates of Klingon Armada and Romulan Armada are now available...

Firestorm Armada gains 4 new minis for the Kurak Alliance...

Universal Space Combat Battlemap pdf now for sale....

July 29th

Space Pirates free PDF supplement for War Rocket is now available along with Space Pirates class 3 & 4 minis...

Space Junk now selling asteroids, missiles and torpedoes...

July 24th

Black Sun Wars print and fold minis now available from Desktop Wargames and RPRNow/Wargames Vault...

July 21st

Silent Death is back!  Metal Express has all you need...

StarFire Command Kickstarter meets and exceeds their goal...

X-Wing from Fantasy Flight looking like a GenCon release...

Free Quick Start rules are available for Ultra/Solar Starfire...

Blue Shift space fighter game from Mongoose in the works...

July 7th

New game StarFire Command miniatures game is funded through Kickstarter and scheduled for an October release...

The Exterion Fleets supplement for Legends of Kalidasia is now available as a printed product or pdf download...

Spartan Games releases Marauders of the Rift campaign guide for Firestorm Armada on August 29th.

The Claws of Chaos expansion for Fleets At War! is in the works...

Star Fleet Battle Manual getting updated for the 21st Century...

June 28th

Fleets of the Fading Suns for ACTA: Noble Armada released as a pfd, ACTA Journal #1 is now available, plus 2 new squadron boxes of minis for ACTA: Star Fleet were released...

June 19th

New miniatures from ZandrisIV released...

New Firestorm Armada minis coming Aug 1st - Oroshan DN and Frigate plus new Mk II carriers for Dindrenzi and Terran fleets...

New large ship ORCDeF minis from Studio Bergstrom...

June 3rd

Fleets At War! tactical space combat game is now available... 

RedBrick gets the license to revise the original Noble Armada...

May 13th

Firestorm Armada releasing hardback master rule book and Zenian League RSN minis on July 4th...

3 new miniatures from Brigade Models for AmRep and ONESS...

Silent Fury prototype rules and ships available for download...

Expansion packs announced for Star Wars X-Wing...

Kill Radius - quick & dirty starship web game is available...

Imperial Crusade Freedom has been funded via Kickstarter...

Martial Stars a combined arms game with space combat due this Spring/Summer from Digital Alchemy...

April 1st

Pre-order minis for the Star's Reach setting coming to both Squadron Strike and Colonial Battlefleet game systems...

Imperial Crusade Freedom presale on Kickstarter...

March 29th

Monday Knight releases resin super galactic dreadnought minis and Terran modular station available piece by piece...

March 27th

Andrayada Cor BB mini for Hostile Stars us now available...

March 24th

Cyprian Rifts: Warships alpha rules are available along with 8 miniatures of the Obsidian  Confederate fleet...

March 21st

Starmada Nova Rulebook now available for pre-orders... 

More Mk II minis for Firestorm Armada shipping on April 4th...

March 17th

New game Silent Fury in the works with vector movement and boarding actions...

Fleets at War! a space combat game in the Imperial Chronicles RPG universe looking for playtesters...

March 3rd

Imperial Crusade Armada and supplements from RPGNow...

Void and Stars in development from Ganesha Games...

X-Wing miniatures game from Fantasy Flight due Q2 2012...

Star Trek HeroClix: Tactics is in stores now...

February 26th

Sunder the Stars and One Page Fleets added to Web Games...


Game Systems Currently Available

Alpha Strike


Astra Imperia

Astra Titanus

Astral Conflict

Astral Empires

Attack Vector

Battlefleet Gothic

BattleSpace / AeroTech 2



Black Water Navies

Blitz Jager

Button Wars:

Empires & Overlords

A Call To Arms

Colonial Battlefleet

Cyprian Rift: Warships

Diceland: Space

Dog Fight: Starship Edition

Dying Lights

Federation Commander


Firepower Pass

Firestorm Armada

Firing Solution

Fleets at War!

Full Thrust

Galactic Expanse

Galactic: Conflict in the Stars

Galactic Knights

Hyperspace Hack

Imperial Crusade Armada

Interstellar Conquest

Iron Stars

Legends of Kalidasia

Light Speed

Lightning Strike


Noble Armada

Phil Prichard's Lensman

Power Projection


Quantum Expanse

Red Shirt Smash

Saganami Island Tactical Simulator

Silent Death

A Sky Full of Ships


Space Armada

Space Dreadnought 3000

Space Fleet Alpha

Space Station Assault

Space Vixens from Mars

Squadron Commander

Squadron Strike

Star Blazers Fleet Battle System

Star Clash

Star Fleet Battle Force

Star Fleet Battles

Star Fury

Star Trek HeroClix: Tactics



Starforce Terra



Starship Command

Stellar Fire

Task Force Zeta

Universal Space Combat System

USE ME Starship Battles


War Rocket




Strategic / Campaign Games





Q Banner Exchange


101 Sci-Fi Links

 SyFy Topsites